Monday, August 22, 2011

Signs Your Ex Still Cares - Can Negative Signs Be A Good Thing?

Most people only look for the positive signs that their ex still cares and may be interested in getting back together. They completely miss the fact that negative signs can also be a good indicator that your ex still cares. First we will look at a few of the positive signals, and then move on to more negative ones.

1) They are keeping the lines of communication open.

2) They have been asking mutual friends and relatives about you.

3) They have been showing up at places you may be hanging out.

4) They are never in a hurry to get away from talking with you.

5) They are not pursuing any new relationships.

First off if you see some or all of these on the list, that is a very good thing, and your chances to reunite are excellent if you go about it in the right way. The problems start when you misinterpret what these signals really mean.

After a break up when you desperately would like your ex back, and you are in an emotionally confused state it is possible to see only what you want to see. For example your ex calls you, so right away you latch on to that, believing you have seen an indicator he or she wants back. This may be true, or it could just be a matter that they needed to call for a good reason.

The result could very well be that you are left in the emotionally vulnerable position of dangling by your slender hopes that this really means something, when in fact it does not.

Take care there also are some men and women who are turned on by the fact that you are still obsessing about them. They can see that you still love them, and may simply be trying to get attention, because they have no new prospects on the horizon just yet. So as you can see you need to take your time and proceed with caution.

Negative Signs You May See

Negative signs are bad right? No, actually they can be very good indicators that your ex still has strong feelings about you. A good thing about negative signs is that they will not be misinterpreted.

Say for example your ex has been acting like they hate you. On the surface this would seem to be a very negative sign. But if you dig a little under the surface it is plain to see that your ex still has some very strong emotions going on.

Strong emotions like this are an excellent indicator your ex still feels deeply about you and the situation. In fact if your ex has any emotions involving you, especially strong ones, it means they have not gotten over you yet.

The same thing applies to anger, it may seem like a negative sign, but it is actually a positive thing that he or she is showing strong emotions. So as you can see strong emotions are a good indicator, they are hard to misinterpret, and they mean that you are still very much on your exes mind.

Mixed Or Very Bad Signs

If one time they are very warm towards you, and then on another quite cold, this means that they are confused themselves about how they feel. This is a more tricky situation, yes it is still very possible to get back together. On the other hand it is very possible to make the wrong move and lose them.

A very bad indicator to see is not anger or hate, it is indifference. If your ex is showing anger it means that they still have strong emotions about you, and this can be overcome. Indifference means they do not care at all, this is an obstacle that is very difficult to overcome.

Post-Relationship Expert Ashley Kay

So as you can see there is no reason to become depressed or give up because you see some negative signs your ex has been showing, they can work in your favor. The whole trick is in how you go about the process of getting your ex back.

If things look promising it is time for the next step. Do you have any kind of plan on how to actually go about the process of reuniting, or are you just going to wing it? Remember that in a lot of cases you may only get one chance to do it right.

Hopefully you have gained some insight into the signs your ex is showing, but this article has only scratched the surface. It has been based on Ashley Kay's Ex Recovery System, a very useful step by step plan to get her back.

Article source: Ex Lovers Guide Signs your ex still cares